Saturday, September 17, 2016

Frankincense Essential Oil

The 'King' of Oils
Frankincense scent has a special meaning to me. It is frequently used in Christian Orthodox churches. It’s the first thing you smell as soon as you step into the church. I feel quite spiritual whenever I smell Frankincense. Despite that it’s called the King of the Oils for a reason. You can use it for almost anything! Below are my favorite ways to use it:

- Shortness of breath caused by cold or allergy. This is my grandma’s recipe for home-made inhaler. Boil a large pot of water, add twenty drops of the essential oils. You can mix Frankincense with Bergamot or/and Lavender. Cover yourself with a thick blanket and breathe over the steaming pot for 10-15 minutes. You will sweat like a pig and hate me during your inhaling procedure. However instant relief is almost guaranteed.
- Oral health. This is my recipe for home-made mouthwash. Mix a cup of clean water (bottled or preferably distilled, not from the tap) with twenty drops of essential oils. You can mix Frankincense with Peppermint. Use twice a day as your regular mouthwash.
- Menstrual cramps. Boil a small pot of water, add 20 drops of Frankincense essential oil. Dip a small cloth into your mix and put it on your lower tummy. Repeat as necessary throughout the first day f your period when cramps are the worst. You don’t have to boil the mix ever time. You can heat it up in the microwave. If that’s too much maintenance for you just rub a few drops into your lower tummy. The effect won’t be the same, but it is better than nothing.
- Stress relief. Add 20 drops to your bath or 8 drops to your diffuser.
- Eliminate odor. You can add a few drops to your trash can. Frankincense naturally kills bacteria and deodorizes.
- Fight both acne and wrinkles, scars and stretch marks. Dilute 6 drops of Frankincense in an ounce of any unscented oil and apply directly to problem areas.
- Indigestion (constipation, gas, PMS, cramps). Mix 2 drops of Frankincense in 8 ounces of water or in a tablespoon of honey. Take when needed.

I am not a doctor. Please use your own common sense if you decide to follow one of my advises and don’t hold me accountable if something goes terribly wrong :)

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