Saturday, March 25, 2017

Castor Oil

I love castor oil and its countless benefits. The cold pressed castor oil is the purest of castor oils and doesn’t have any additional ingredients but the oil itself. Shiny Leaf Castor Oil is a premium quality. Here are some of my favorite uses and benefits:

- It relieves muscle soreness. If you tend to overwork your muscles now and then this would be your perfect solution. Use it as a massage oil by itself or mixed with essential oils.
- It helps with hair growth. Apply a few drops to your scalp and massage thoroughly. Cover your hair with a shower cap. Wash off in an hour. You might need to wash your hair 2-3 times. Your hair will get used to it eventually and it will be easier to wash it off. Make sure you don’t have any important events next day when you try this for the first time.
- It can thicken your eyelashes. Apply every night with an old mascara brush.
- It moisturizes the skin. Rub a few drops between your palms to warm it up, and apply to your skin. A little goes a long way.
- It extends your sleep. If you work crazy hours like me and your body has crazy bio clock this little trick will help you sleep full 7-9 hours during the weekend. Dab one drop on your eyelids when you go to bed.

That’s just the tip of an iceberg. Castor oil also helps to relieve the arthritis pain, has anti-fungal qualities, can be a good lubricant, can be used to ease a skin rash of your pets, it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, reduces blood pressure and improves blood circulation, and much more!

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