Sunday, September 11, 2016

Dog Bark Collar

All dogs are different. I am stuck with a naughty and very energetic one. I love him to death, don’t get me wrong, but oh my… is he wild! I thought he would mellow out with age and give me a break, but nope. He is four years old and as wild as when he was one. He barks at bikers, skaters, neighbors’ dogs, gardener, mailman. He hates the mailman the most. It is so embarrassing. So I gave up and decided to try the bark collar on him.

I have the highest respect for Our K9 team. They sent me the “How To” guide on the day when I received the collar, and recommended that I watch all their tutorial videos. They were very useful. I tested the shock thingy as was shown on the video, let my dog wear the collar for a day before inserting the batteries. The batteries were included in the package by the way. I thought it was really cool. Nobody includes batteries. They are a weird size, but Our K9 sent me the link where I can get the replacement battery.

Umm.. Anyway, so I did everything I was supposed to do prior to putting the collar to work and went to the back yard to see what would happen. This is where Jack barks the most at the yappy neighbors’ dogs. Not surprisingly a minute after we go out he starts barking. Nothing happens. I tightened his collar and increased the sensitivity. Nothing happened again. I did it again and again and again. I was about to lose my hope. So I tightened the collar to its max. I could only stick my pinky in between the collar and his neck. I increased the sensitivity to its max too. And then it started to work!

Jack barked, and barked, and barked, and his collar beeped, and beeped, and beeped. And then I saw the shock wave going through him. He jumped and swiveled and continued to bark. Then another shock wave hit him. The sight of him whining and running back to the house with his tails between his legs nearly broke my heart. He was panting for the next hour. I was afraid that he was having a heart attack. I took him for a long walk and he seemed to calm down.

It is really the question you need to ask yourself, do you have the capacity of letting your dog be wild, but happy with his life? I am exhausted of suffering the consequences of sleepless nights. I live in a very hot place and I’m sick of sleeping with closed windows, because otherwise he’ll bark all night. Sometimes even closed windows don’t help. If he sees a raccoon in the back yard he’ll be agitated for hours! It is time that he learned that barking and keeping me up at night is not ok.

My only complaint about this bark collar is that it doesn’t work every time Jack barks. He shakes his head a lot and this misplaces the collar even though I tightened it to the max. So every now and then I have to re-adjust it, and then it works again. This is not ideal, but it is so much better than nothing! Last night he slept like an angel, and so did I. My point is that it works. This collar really does work. When the shock wave goes through his body he snaps out of his angry fit and actually comes to me for some comfort and love.

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